Crape Myrtle / Hackberry

These are common ornamental trees that adorn street and garden walkways which have a common treatable malady.



Sticky leaves, sticky walkways, sticky cars. You name it, something is getting a fresh coat of sticky honeydew should one of your trees become infested with many thousands of rapidly breeding and migrating Aphids. While these little beasts are a natural part of the local environment, the number of natural predators available to combat them is sometimes insufficient.

We will spare you the details on where the sticky stuff on your shoe came from  We can tell you that Tree Health Solutions has your solution for that!

Crepe Myrtle Bad Leaf.jpg

If you find yourself in a sticky situation with any variety of plant, please contact us to see if we can offer a solution.

Trees like Crepe Myrtle and Hackberry as well as garden plants and Milkweed happen to be a local delicacy to Aphids, and are often the first and best place to look for a problem on your property.

While we don’t offer systemic treatments for your Milkweed, we can provide systemic treatments to your trees that will help deter and defend against this annual onslaught of unwanted pests.


Sycamore Allergies & Diseases