Other Available Treatments

Our primary focus may be trees, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a few tricks up our sleeves for the home gardener too.

The Rose

Black Spot is one of the most common diseases found everywhere roses are planted. We have specialized treatments for your garden specifically designed to do more than those available at your local garden store.

Black Spot is one of the most common diseases found everywhere roses are planted. We have specialized treatments for your garden specifically designed to do more than those available at your local garden store.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By Any Other Name would smell as sweet.” - William Shakespeare

Obviously Romeo wasn’t having issues with Black Spot fungus.

Black Spot is caused by the fungus, Diplocarpon rosae. The disease does not kill the plant outright, but over time, the loss of leaves can weaken the plant making it more susceptible to other stresses and winter damage.

The disease is active during cool, moist weather. Conversely, extreme summer heat during July and August will limit development of the disease.

Xylosma Hedge

White Fly Infestation:

Giant whiteflies can cover your plants with fuzzy white wax and sticky honeydew, turning it and your surrounding walkways into a sticky nightmare. This whitefly was First discovered in San Diego County in October 1992, and has since spread northward into other areas of California. Plants infected by this pest may be weakened, but rarely die. Washing the leaves and applying detergent based insecticides sometimes helps, but rarely fully repels these pests. At Tree Health Solutions, our licensed and certified technicians have a systemic treatment that helps your plant repel the infestation on it’s own. If you are tired of the sticky mess, try a better solution and give us a call today for a survey of your trees (and hedges) for treatment.

Xylosma Hedge, Often referred to as “that bush over there”

Xylosma Hedge, Often referred to as “that bush over there”

A full blown whitefly infestation.

A full blown whitefly infestation.

Catch them soon, or suffer the sticky consequences.

Catch them soon, or suffer the sticky consequences.

Leaf Scale


Your hedges won’t know how to thank you!

Leaf scale is incredibly common on ornamental hedges. Leaf discoloration and unsightly leaf death can be a source of irritation for many landscape owners. This issue is caused by small leaf and twig sucking insects, and can be treated in many different ways depending on the environment and the needs of the client.

Call Tree Health Solutions to schedule a free diagnosis.


Fruit Tree Ailments


Pines / Cedars